Beethoven Elementary


Beethoven's mission is to foster a cooperative learning environment in which the school, family and business communities work together, with mutual respect and full awareness of cultural diversity, to encourage each student's personal development and maximum academic achievement.

This mission statement has been fully executed with the amazing support of the parents and the community through Friends of Beethoven. The achievements that have been made have been so amazing from great beautification and volunteering events to raise money to working toward Beethoven Elementary School recent prestigious award of being ranked in the top 5% of all elementary schools in California!

Mar Vista Elementary


The Mar Vista School Enrichment Group (MVSEG) is a non-profit organization that was established in 1988. Parent-run, our mission is to raise funds for programs and instructional materials that will enrich and diversify the educational experience for all students in the school.With the active support of the teachers and our principal Ms. Weinstock, we volunteer our knowledge, time and resources in a variety of ways.

The Enrichment Group is open to all who support Mar Vista School and welcomes each parent and guardian's investment of time and imagination. We meet in the evenings (2nd Wednesday of every month) to give working parents an opportunity to get involved in this wonderful community.There are several committees in which you can participate, but if you don't find one that matches your skills or interests, drop us a line at and we will find something that does.

Walgrove Elementary School

Walgrove Avenue Elementary School

1630 Walgrove Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90066Los Angeles County

Phone: (310) 391-7104Fax: (310) 391-9809

Mark Twain Middle School

Mark Twain Middle School

2224 Walgrove Ave.Los Angeles,
CA 90066Los Angeles County
Phone: (310) 397-2125Fax: (310) 398-1627

Venice High School

Venice High School Vision

Venice High School is committed to providing Excellence in Education for all students. The school will design programs and learning experiences that promote academic achievement and the personal and social growth of every student. As a richly diverse community of learners that values all its members, Venice high will assume a central role in the community by linking parents, local agencies and businesses to the school.Venice High will provide a safe and productive learning environment in which students can communicate effectively, think critically, solve problems and are technologically literate through a variety of curricular and extra-curricular activities. Through a challenging course of study with high standards, students will become responsible learners who can not only work collaboratively, but also be accountable for their own academic and developmental progress.Venice High students will graduate as lifelong learners who will make valuable contributions to society. Through the collaboration of school, home and community, every Venice High graduate will be well prepared for the demands of the 21st century.